We are happy to assist couples who want to be married in the Church. Your desire to be married at ST. PHILIP’S/ST. ANTHONY’S and/or you're asking for help with the preparation tells us that your belief in Christ and the Church is important to you as a couple. Because community is such a central part of what it means to be Catholic, it is important that you be an active member of the parish, if you are not already. Being active means you are a registered member of the parish, you join us at Eucharist on Sunday and that you share your gifts with us, thus blessing us as your faith community, while benefiting from our gifts of the community in return. In other words, the relationship you have with us as a parish is an important part of preparing for marriage and a lifetime journey of faith.
In the Diocese of Fargo the marriage requirements are as follows:
Contact the parish at least 7 months ahead of the wedding date
Take a relationship inventory
Attend a pre-marriage seminar/workshop/retreat
Attend a Natural Family Planning course
Complete appropriate paperwork including securing baptismal certificates
Plan the wedding celebration following the Church’s guidelines
To begin the process or ask questions, contact Msgr. in the church office at 701-242-7327.